Sunday, September 14, 2014

In Ian Daly’s article “Virtual Popularity Isn’t Cool – It’s Pathetic”, he talks about how people believe that online popularity is a necessity in life.  Daly goes on to explain that even though people feel popular over the internet, the popularity is self-created.  No one has 10,000 friends that truly care about what you have to say or how you feel.  Another point Daly made in his article is how social media can affect your career.  People are allowed to tag you in any picture which can be seen by current or future bosses and coworkers.  Online popularity is perceived as being a necessity, but in reality people who live their lives through social media are the ones missing out.

When I read this article for the first time it was a real eye opener.  I am not one of those people who thrives off of social media popularity, but I know people who do.  The article is kind of a warning for those of us who have not let social media control our lives yet.  Daly does a good job of explaining how social media can start to ruin people’s lives.  People can start to look forward to their social media lives more than their real lives, which actually counts.  If people are not careful, social media can affect the jobs they try to acquire later in life.  No fake popularity is worth ruining the rest of your life.


  1. William I agree with you completely. Reading the article made me go on my social media and look for this people that are trying to be social famous. It made me realize how many people are really trying to be social media famous, and it is ridiculous. I found couple of my friends that are trying to be social famous, and it is ridiculous how many friends they have on their social media accounts. What is more ridiculous is how many friends they don’t know, and are proud of having on their accounts. One of my friends I would say that social media runs his life. Daly indeed does a good explanation on how social media ruins people life. I also agree with you on how people should be careful with their social media. Social media can and probably will ruin a lot of job opportunities for many people.

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  3. Interesting post William. I agree with you on the topic of I.Daly's article on popularity through social media. I like how you went to say " If people are not careful, social media can affect the jobs they try to acquire later in life" . the majority of society needs to be informed on how dangerous Social Media can be towards futures and if not used properly it can result in serious consequences. Many people get used to visiting social networks as soon as they have a free moment. They do not think of what to do, because they immediately open the browser.They take it as a cure for boredom, pastime means, a way that will help keep their hands busy or distract from problems. This habit can turn into a fast addiction and can bring major side effects along the way.
